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Bulletin Announcements

Sunday, April 14, 2024
4th Sunday of Great Lent
Sunday of St. John Climacus​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • We take this opportunity to provide the fasting regulations for this Penitential Season, as has been the tradition of our Bishops since the canonical establishment of the Diocese in 1938. Continuing in that spirit, the following fasting regulations are now in effect for all clergy and laity:​
    • March 18 - Clean Monday - a day of strict abstinence, no meat or dairy products may be eaten.
    • All Wednesdays and Fridays of the Lenten Season are days of abstinence from meat. For the evening Presanctified Liturgies, a 3 hour fast from all food and drink must be observed before partaking in Holy Communion. Normal fasting from midnight is practiced before the Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great.
    • Meat and meat products are NOT to be eaten during Holy Week, which takes place April 29 through May 2.
    • May 3 and May 4 - Great and Holy Friday and Great and Holy Saturday - days of strict abstinence, no meat or dairy products may be eaten.
    • May 5 - The Great Fast will be broken by partaking in Holy Communion during Divine Liturgy on the Feast of Feasts - Great and Holy Pascha.
  • Saturday, April 20 at 2 PM CT, the Chicago Deanery presents the Western Lenten Retreat at our Parish!  The theme is "Our Journey through Holy Week - Holy Unction", presented by Very Rev. Alexis Miller, Pastor of Holy Transfiguration Mission in Crawfordsville, Indiana.  There will also be a Moleben to the Holy Cross and Confessions heard by Deanery Clergy.  A fellowship meal will follow.  Please plan to attend.
  • Birthday blessings to Diane MacKenzie, who celebrated her 89th birthday this past Tuesday!  Many Blessed Years!
  • Thank you to all who made this season's Friday Fish Frys and Bake Sales such a success!
  • Thank you to Bob Hamady for repairing and replacing the flag on the flagpole.
  • Darlene Kmet is now collecting money for Pascha flowers.​
  • Pani Sharon is now collecting donations for the children's Easter Egg Hunt, as well as Easter baking.  Please be aware that due to the difference in Easters this year (5 weeks apart), it is necessary to collect donations earlier than usual.  Thank you for your consideration.
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