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Descent of the Holy Spirit Orthodox Church

545 E 77th Ave

Schererville, IN 46375

Tel: (219) 864-1529


For directions to our Parish from your current location, please visit MapQuest:


Church Hall Rental:  Our Church Hall is available for rent.  Inquire today!


Office Hours: Father is available any time by appointment.


Emergency Sick Calls:  Can be made at any time.  Please phone the rectory when a family member is admitted to the hospital.


Marriages:  Solemized on Saturdays or Sundays.  Consult the pastor at least six months in advance before plans have been made for the wedding reception.  Marriages cannot be celebrated during the fasting season of the Church, or on Fridays.


Baptisms:  Normally scheduled on Saturdays or Sundays.  Consult the pastor.  Two God-parents are required, at least one of whom must be Orthodox by faith and the other a practicing Christian.


Funerals: Provided for practicing Orthodox Christians who are current in their spiritual and financial obligations to the Parish; otherwise burial is from the funeral home.  The Church does not permit cremations. 


For questions about the website, please contact the webmaster, Nick Madvek, at

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